==================== Contributing to Pip2 ==================== Contributing with Code ====================== Supported Python Versions ------------------------- Pip2 currently only supports Python 3.2 and 3.3 (scheduled for release in August 2012), but there are plans to support versions of Python back to 2.6-ish. Prerequisites ------------- The following tools are required: - Python 3.2 or 3.3 (preferably both) - Git - pip and virtualenv You must also have a Github account and basic familiarity with the tools listed above. These instructions assume a Unix-like operating system (e.g., Mac or Linux). Minor modifications may be required for contributing to pip2 on Windows. Forking the Repository ---------------------- `Fork`_ the `main pip2 repository on Github`_, and then clone your personal fork:: $ git clone https://github.com//pip2 .. _Fork: http://help.github.com/fork-a-repo/ .. _main pip2 repository on Github: https://github.com/osupython/pip2 Installation ------------ Create and activate a virtualenv for pip2 development. For example, if you are developing with Python 3.2:: $ virtualenv --python=python3.2 pip2-dev-py3.2 $ source pip2-dev-py3.2/bin/activate For versions of Python prior to 3.3, pip2 depends on distutils2 which is often `broken`_ and/or outdated on PyPI. For now, just use pip to install from the python3 branch of the distutils2 repository:: $ pip install http://hg.python.org/distutils2/archive/python3.tar.bz2 .. _broken: http://github.com/osupython/pip2/issues/45 Install pip2:: $ cd pip2/ $ python setup.py develop Running the Tests ----------------- Pip2 uses `nose`_ and `mock`_ for testing. To install nose:: $ pip install nose Mock has been included in Python's standard library since version 3.3. For versions of Python prior to 3.3:: $ pip install mock .. _nose: http://nose.readthedocs.org/ .. _mock: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/ Now, run the unit tests from the root directory of the pip2 repository. You should run these tests frequently as you are modifying the code:: $ nosetests If the `coverage`_ module is installed (`pip install coverage`), options may be provided to nose so that coverage data is generated:: $ nosetests --with-coverage Usually only coverage data for pip2 will be needed. To run the coverage tool on just the pip2 package:: $ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=pip2 To generate HTML coverage data in the ./cover/ directory:: $ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=pip2 --cover-html Once your changes are working well in your development environment, `tox`_ can be used to run these same tests in a clean environment under multiple versions of Python. First, install tox:: $ pip install tox The first time you run it, tox will take a while (quite a few minutes) to build virtualenvs and install the required packages:: $ tox Subsequent tox runs will reuse the existing virtualenvs and run much faster. Note, however, that you may want to occasionally force the virtualenvs to be recreated by running `tox --recreate` to get the latest versions of pip2's dependencies. Run `tox --help`, visit `tox's website`_, or view the `tox.ini` file in pip2's repository for additional information on using tox. .. _coverage: http://nedbatchelder.com/code/coverage/ .. _tox: http://tox.readthedocs.org/ .. _tox's website: http://tox.readthedocs.org/ Contributing with Documentation =============================== Building the Documentation -------------------------- Install the tools required to build the documentation:: $ pip install sphinx Build the HTML version of the documentation:: $ cd pip2/docs/ $ make html Launch ``pip2/docs/_build/html/index.html`` in your browser.