API Reference



Get a list of installed projects.

Returns a dictionary where the keys are project names and the values are dictionaries with the following keys and values:

  • ‘version’ - a string containing the project’s version.

For example, the return value may look like this:

{   'TowelStuff': {'version': '0.1.1'},
    'pip2': {'version': '1.0'}}
Return type:dictionary



Install a list of projects.

Note that project dependencies are not yet detected and installed.

Returns a dictionary with the following keys and values:

  • ‘installed’ - a list of strings containing the projects that were successfully installed.
  • ‘failed’ - a list of strings containing the projects that failed to install.
Parameters:project_list (iterable of strings) – the projects to install. May be names of projects on the Python Package Index (PyPI) or paths to local directories and archives (.zip, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tgz, or .tar).
Return type:dictionary



Uninstall a list of projects.

Returns a dictionary with the following keys and values:

  • ‘uninstalled’ - a list of strings containing the names of the projects that were successfully uninstalled.
  • ‘failed’ - a list of strings containing the names of the projects that failed to uninstall.
Parameters:project_list (iterable of strings) – the names of the projects to uninstall.
Return type:dictionary